CINCH VET e-shopVocational education and training portal


CINCH VET e-shopVocational education and training portal

Chemistry of cooling circuits of NPP

This course is a re-arranged e-lecture of  Dr. Grégory LEFEVRE (CNRS & ENSCP) dealing with chemistry of cooling circuits of nuclear power plants.

1. Description of different types of nuclear reactors: PWR, BWR, CANDU

2. Chemistry of different types of nuclear reactors: PWR, BWR, CANDU

2.1. Thermodynamic modeling and speciation

3. pH control of primary circuit

3.1. Effect of lithium concentration
3.2. Enriched boric acid

4. Corrosion phenomena in primary circuit of PWR: contamination

4.1. Alloys used
4.2. Radionuclides responsible for dosimetry
4.3. Surface reactivity of the particles released in the primary circuit

5. Corrosion phenomena in primary circuit of PWR: AOA

5.1. Observation of AOA

6. Evolution of the chemistry in the primary circuit during shutdown of PWR

6.1. Evolution of soluble and insoluble Co-60

7. Corrosion phenomena in secondary circuits of PWR

7.1. Chemistry of amines
7.2. FAC mechanism
7.3. Mihama-3 accident


8. Fouling and rupture of steam generator (SG) tubes

8.1. Influence of fouling on heat exchange
8.2. Steam generator tube rupture

9. Cleanup on-line systems

9.1. Description of filters
9.2. Filters and colloids
9.3. Description of resins

10. Curative method of secondary circuit

10.1. List of curative methods
10.2. Effect of curative methods on steam pressure

11. Mitigation of contamination by Zn addition

11.1. Depleted Zn
11.2. Reduction of surface contamination
11.3. Effect of Zn on corrosion

12. Chemistry of additives and impurities in the secondary circuit

12.1. Effect of impurities in secondary circuit
12.2. Control of pH

13. Dispersant application

More information can be found on the CINCH Moodle platform, where you can also register and complete the course for free.

Course Type:
Course Schedule:
Permanently open
Start Date:
End Date:
Course Code:
No certification
Host Institution:

CINCH Consortium

email: eshop (at) cinch-project (dot) eu

Copyright © 2025 CINCH

Horizon 2020This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014–2018 under grant agreement No. 754 972.

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