CINCH VET e-shopVocational education and training portal


CINCH VET e-shopVocational education and training portal

European NRC Network - The European Network on Nuclear and Radiochemistry Education and Training

The CINCH VET e-shop was designed and is operated on behalf of the European NRC Network - The European Network on Nuclear and Radiochemistry Education and Training. The European NRC Network is also assumed to be the successor in the operation of this platform after the end of the Euratom support to the CINCH-projects series.
European NRC Network is an informal organisation of providers and users of education and training in NRC that has been initiated by the CINCH project series partners, an up to date list of partners can be found on their website. The objective and functions of the European NRC Network are:
  • to cooperate in NRC education and training in Europe
  • to promote development of NRC education and training in Europe
  • to represent NRC education and training community towards other organizations and society
  • to promote and organize student and teacher exchange between partners
  • to organize common courses in NRC.

To achieve these objectives and functions the Network is open to a variety of research, industrial and other type of organisations (universities, regulators etc.) having relevant activities or needs in education and training in NRC. To obtain a membership, the organisation needs to submit a duly signed application to the chairman of the NRC Network. The applications are assessed and evaluated by the steering group of the NRC Network that also decides on the membership. The final approval of the new members is taken by the General Assembly.

CINCH Consortium

email: eshop (at) cinch-project (dot) eu

Copyright © 2025 CINCH

Horizon 2020This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014–2018 under grant agreement No. 754 972.

This e-shop runs on e-shop platform by Boot!Q