CINCH VET e-shopVocational education and training portal


CINCH VET e-shopVocational education and training portal

CINCH – Cooperation in education and training In Nuclear Chemistry

The CINCH-series of Euratom Fission-supported projects was initiated in 2010 with the start of the CINCH – Coordination of education In Nuclear CHemistry (Euratom FP7 2010-2013) project. After broadening the scope to cover also the training in the CINCH-II project (Cooperation in education and training In Nuclear Chemistry, Euratom FP7 2013–2016) the series was continued in the H2020 project CINCH – A Modular European Education and Training Concept In Nuclear and radioCHemistry (2017-2020). The latest edition has been the A-CINCH – Augmented CINCH – project (2020-2023). The main objective of this project series has been to mitigate the special skill-based deficits within nuclear chemistry at masters and doctorate levels and the effects of the decline of number of staff qualified in nuclear chemistry in Europe. More details on the projects can be found at the CINCH-web at
The CINCH series has thus far seen a number of major outputs, for example; the launching the NRC EuroMaster label concept, the establishment of the NRC Network, the development of a series of RoboLab exercises (remotely operated laboratory experiments), and most recently the new “NRC for Society” MOOC (Massive Open On-line Course). In parallel to these developments, several courses on various topics from the field of NRC have been developed.
This CINCH VET e-shop vocational education and training portal has been designed and launched within the CINCH project with the aim to showcase the courses developed up to at least pilot level. The platform will essentially market these courses, as well as providing details as to when and how often the courses are available, as well as how to access them. The CINCH VET e-shop is a platform that is expected to be a major contribution to the sustainability of the results achieved in all the mentioned projects. However, the ambition of this platform is greater than this – it aims at becoming a platform where all providers of courses in the field of nuclear and radiochemistry can advertise and offer their VET / CPD courses.

CINCH Consortium

email: eshop (at) cinch-project (dot) eu

Copyright © 2025 CINCH

Horizon 2020This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014–2018 under grant agreement No. 754 972.

This e-shop runs on e-shop platform by Boot!Q